Innovation of the Year – Winner (2014)

In response to the challenges faced by large businesses with staff spread across multiple contracts, I developed a comprehensive web app solution. This innovative platform allowed seamless communication with frontline staff and offered a wide array of features accessible on any smart device.

The app provided easy access to news, perks, policy documentation, podcasts, and informative training videos, enhancing the overall employee experience. Additionally, staff could securely access their payslip information, seek help from a dedicated team, and access advice on maintaining their health and well-being. To ensure a personalised experience, users had the ability to customise the content they wanted to see.

In recognition of its impact – and despite being up against more established companies within the technology space – myISS won the prestigious Innovation of the Year award at ISS’s Annual Leadership Conference 2014, in London.

Leadership Conference example

To continuously improve and cater to user preferences, regular feature reviews were conducted using data analytics and user testing polls. This approach allowed us to fine-tune the app’s offerings and ensure it remained relevant and valuable to its users.

Fast forward to today, myISS boasts a strong global user base, with a consistent monthly engagement of 3,000 to 5,000 users. Simon Jacobs, Head of Communications and Marketing, affirmed the app’s significance, stating, “myISS remains the best communication tool ISS has to connect with all our employees.”

Overall, myISS has been a game-changer in streamlining communication and enhancing the employee experience for businesses with distributed staff across various contracts.

App screenshots